Discipline Methods for Reeling in an Unruly Child

Do you need some advice on various discipline methods? Sometimes our current methods do not cut it, and it can seem like nothing is helping. We polled various mothers to see what punishment methods work best for them and compiled them for you below. Hopefully one of these methods will work for you! When punishing, remember every child is different and what works for one may not work for another. Just try to be patient, and trial and error until you find what works.
Be consistent with whatever you do, caving in will only give them power. Make sure to remind them lovingly but sternly that you are the parent. (Additionally, please use your discretion before applying any of these methods, as each child is different and responds differently to various punishment methods):

·         Positive reinforcement and praise

·         Praise a sibling for behaving in a way that you would like the disobedient child to behave

·         Provide child with special treats if they behave the way they should each week

·         Time outs – a good rule of thumb is 1 minute per age. After the time out, it is helpful to discuss why they were placed in time out and hug it out afterwards.

·         Take toys away

·         Sit down with the child, talk calmly and empathize with them or take them away from the frustrating situation and hold them and calm them down.

·         Ignore tantrums

·         Provide positive and negative consequences for their behavior (do good, receive reward, do bad, face the consequences for your actions).

·         Correct them and redirect them, if they are young

·         Corporal punishment (spanking, pinching, etc.)